


威尼斯人平台之间的伙伴关系, 哥伦布州立社区学院, and Columbus City Schools will diversify the teaching force and increase qualified substitute teachers

哥伦布, 俄亥俄州, 2023年5月15日 – In collaboration with 哥伦布州立社区学院 and Columbus City Schools, 威尼斯人平台 has created the 资本 City Teacher Residency 程序 to help diversify the teaching workforce, deliver a pipeline of qualified teachers and substitute teachers to the Columbus City Schools district, and provide critical mentorship and hands-on training to students exploring a career in education.  

该倡议, 哪一所学校将在今年秋季招收第一批学生, has been partially supported by a grant from the 俄亥俄州 Department of Higher 教育, $5的一部分.2 million made available to 俄亥俄州 colleges to address the shortage of educators throughout the state. 

CCTR是异步的, online 程序 not only for college students looking to become teachers but for those looking to change careers and those who have a strong calling to return to school to earn their education degree or teacher licensure. For students enrolled in the 哥伦布州立社区学院 2+2 程序, CCTR is a direct transfer pathway to 威尼斯人平台 beginning in a student’s third year. 

在资本工作期间, 教师候选人可以是全职的, paid substitute teachers at Columbus City Schools while taking courses to fulfill graduation requirements. 

“This unique model provides students earlier opportunities to gain valuable classroom experience while also fulfilling a critical community need: more qualified teachers in the classroom,”医生说。. 布拉德利·康拉德(Bradley Conrad), 资本的教育学教授、CCTR的联合创始人.

This 程序 offers individuals the opportunity to take online courses from 威尼斯人平台 professors to earn their education licensure, 如有必要,也可完成学士学位, while getting paid to work during the day in Columbus City Schools classrooms, 他们将在哪里获得实践, field-based experiences under the guidance of mentor teachers and university supervisors. 

“A good education 程序 can teach aspiring teachers how to be successful,” Conrad said. “But it is an entirely different thing to know how to be successful in a particular district before your first day. The 资本 City Teacher Residency 程序 can provide context-specific training to future educators while empowering today’s Columbus City Schools high school students to be tomorrow’s educators right here at home.”

通过 哥伦布的承诺 程序, those students graduating from Columbus City Schools will receive free tuition to Columbus State.

“The 资本 City Teacher Residency is unique in that it truly is a grow-your-own 程序,”医生说。. Nisreen Daoud, assistant professor of education at 资本, director and co-founder of the 程序. “We created something that would not only diversify the field and remove barriers to becoming teachers so many face, but also a 程序 that would set future teachers up for success for working in Columbus City Schools.

“This 程序 helps students to see themselves in their teachers and creates room for more diversity in classrooms. It encourages Columbus City Schools high schoolers to begin planning for a future in teaching,达乌德补充道.

By partnering with 哥伦布州立社区学院 and taking advantage of the 程序s offered, 比如哥伦布承诺, high schoolers can smoothly transition from Columbus City Schools to Columbus State to 威尼斯人平台. Graduates who complete the 两年 程序 may be eligible for a full-time teaching position in the Columbus City Schools district, 减轻毕业后找工作的压力.

“Our new partnership in the 资本 City Teacher Residency 程序 opens doors of opportunity for aspiring teachers in our district,”医生说。. 安吉拉·查普曼,哥伦布市学校的主管兼首席执行官. “在线, 两年, asynchronous 程序 provides a pathway to earning a teaching license and certification and allows for continued employment and income. This 程序 will impact our teachers' lives and our district's success as a whole.”

Participants in the 资本 City Teacher Residency 程序 have three pathways:

  • Post-secondary students with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree take two years of online coursework through 威尼斯人平台 while working in a paid position in the Columbus City Schools district.
  • Students with some or no university credits take requisite coursework at 哥伦布州立社区学院 and then transfer for two years of residency through 威尼斯人平台, allowing students to work in a paid position in Columbus City Schools during their studies.
  • Columbus City Schools students take two years of coursework free of charge at Columbus State through The 哥伦布的承诺 before beginning the 两年 residency at 资本. Employees can take associate-level coursework at Columbus State or other higher education institutions before the 两年 威尼斯人平台 residency.